Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving came and went, and now it's time for Christmas!

After a month of anticipation, Thanksgiving dinner came and went quicker than I would have liked. We did not go down to my parents this year. With me working overnight, I didn't have the mental energy to pack all three girls for a two hour car ride. So, we bought all of the fixings for dinner, and I cooked this year. I rather enjoyed it actually. It was the first year I had to make Thanksgiving dinner. We kept it basic, a turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and roasted asparagus. But, it was more than enough and thankfully all of it tasted delicious. Kira didn't really care for any of it, she has become so picky as of lately. But, Korra couldn't seem to get enough. Karly ate a little. But, Thanksgiving for her was kind of ruined because she decided to watch animal cruelty videos the night before. She actually told me Wednesday night that she wasn't eating dinner and was becoming s vegetarian. That kid. She is so like me. But, I managed to get her to eat Thanksgiving dinner and promised to help her become a vegetarian come Monday. She was okay with that. I guess we will see if anything comes of it. I kind of doubt it as she loves her hamburgers, but she is so strong willed. I know if she truly wants to make a change, she will. Today, we put up our Christmas tree. It was the first time we've ever had it up so soon after Thanksgiving. We usually drag our feet, but Karly really wanted it up, so David got it out and we got it done. I am happy we did. Seeing the tree up reminds me of the season and gives me that warm Christmas feeling. I know it's not about the tree, or the gifts, but it is nice to have the visual reminders. Shopping for the girls will get underway soon. David did get Karly something last week. But, he left it in the trunk and I sent her in there to get something out. Yeah, she saw it. Tried to play it off like she didn't,but the smirk on her face gave it away. We were going to take it back, but it feels wrong. I mean it's not her fault we left it in there. It's David's fault!

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